A searching soul.

A spirit exploring
Taught by the past
Choosing the moment
All that will last

The days grow dark
Time reveals its flow
In everlasting light
Life cannot grow

Matters of the heart
Grow stronger each day
Every step is worth counting
Nothing stirred by delay

With patience it comes
In the palm of your hand
If you do not chase it
Nor rewards demand

Open your view
Mind, soul and heart
Meet your true self
A fundamental art

To see past your own
Love, live and laugh
Seek understanding
Then do the math

I am now and I am
To life I am bound
A natural being
Lost, then again found

Moment after moment
Adding up to time
Always in motion
And time for a rhyme

Life is about choice
What perspectives to see
Yours and of others
Will not always agree

Then whatever is left
If not a right way?
To follow like rules
A lord to obey

Connect with the heart
Follow its dreams
Meet people and life
Unfolding the seams


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