The Importance of Sharing

As parts of people on this earth, we are all different from each other yet we are similar in a lot of ways; we are human and all that comes with it will, at one point or another, affect us all in our lives. However, we all have different strategies for dealing with these instances. We are built to have different hard drives which require matching software. Something that can add to the quality of life is to ask and consider this; How can I spend my life making myself happy as well as contribute to the well-being of others around me?
Realising this, we can all start to consider how we can, in a good way, help ourselves heal and grow through certain periods of life, which we all go through in one way or another. A way I have found to benefit both the giver and receiver is the act of sharing these experiences and how we dealt with them as well as got through them. This is something we all are able to do and something which can take different shapes. How it is shared is up to the person it is concerning, as long as it is done with honesty and the intention of good.
This is not to say that everyone must share. They definitley don't. But I do suggest that people consider the greatness of such a small act as sharing one's own experiences. If it is only to support a friend who has come to you in confusion, or through an artistic and complex work, a speech, a book, a hug, a smile. Imagine the magnificent power of these things in life. These are the tools which will give people the feeling that they are not alone; a very powerful gift.


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