The fact of the flying hour
Sitting on one's behind for hours on end makes no sense. But still, here I am, as determined as ever, doing it. A comfort is itunes which is playing my darling Beatles' records in alphabetical order and I just keep fixing, copying and changing, my mind that is. I must say I do love the Beatles' earlier records. Earlier than what, one might ask. Well, I won't reveal my favourite but I will say it is not early nor late, the rest is up to your imagination. I wonder which is your favourite Beatles' record. I'd like to discuss that with you. Those discussions have been interesting in the past. Anywho, with John Lennon singing "I'm so tired" in my ear I can no longer deny how my eyelids objectingly refuses to be as alert as I wish them to. Oh, well. Time is ticking and it is yet another early day for the working people. Which includes me, thankfully. I bid you farewell, until we meet again.