listening to the sounds of the dirty flaws can't deny the pureness of their talents the music is like the waves of the ocean riding the vibrations to the soul and like the singer ben says maybe i just need a bit of purpose very well spoken i say and i must admit i feel the same but where can i shine without stealing all the light finding my color on the rainbow together with all the others in sunshine and in rain a special moment of life is starting over again
Many of you who know me, know that I have a great fascination with the Myers-Briggs type theory and considering the meaning of things in life in general. Through these interests I have found a blog that greatly inspires me. For you who are familiar with this blog, and for you who are not, I recommend reading this post that I have linked below. It gives a very interesting perspectives of what it means to be a human thinker in today's modern society.
As parts of people on this earth, we are all different from each other yet we are similar in a lot of ways; we are human and all that comes with it will, at one point or another, affect us all in our lives. However, we all have different strategies for dealing with these instances. We are built to have different hard drives which require matching software. Something that can add to the quality of life is to ask and consider this; How can I spend my life making myself happy as well as contribute to the well-being of others around me?
Realising this, we can all start to consider how we can, in a good way, help ourselves heal and grow through certain periods of life, which we all go through in one way or another. A way I have found to benefit both the giver and receiver is the act of sharing these experiences and how we dealt with them as well as got through them. This is something we all are able to do and something which can take different shapes. How it is shared is up to the person it is concerning, as long as it is done with honesty and the intention of good.
This is not to say that everyone must share. They definitley don't. But I do suggest that people consider the greatness of such a small act as sharing one's own experiences. If it is only to support a friend who has come to you in confusion, or through an artistic and complex work, a speech, a book, a hug, a smile. Imagine the magnificent power of these things in life. These are the tools which will give people the feeling that they are not alone; a very powerful gift.
To write or not to write. A choice of eternally putting an abstract truth into concrete reality, a thought or a dream into words that actually exists in the real world. It can be seen by others and they can have their own interpretation of the words that they see. I think what a writer should and need to consider above all else is what the words they are writing are representing and meaning to themselves, and the inspiration it can give to others will come with it. It is an accomplishment and nourishment to all souls capable, especially if it can create several dimensions of helpful guidance and meaning to a handful of minds.
The one and only truth, if there is one, is to follow your dreams. Follow them as far as they will take you and you will find yourself on an undescribable journey. A journey that might change your entire aspect of life in the greatest way possible. Our worst enemy is fear, though part of the journey is facing it and deciding to move past it. Nothing in life is meant to be easy apart from the fact that you can choose your own way of perceiving the world and the things that happen to you. It is entirely in your hands to look upon the difficulties, from which we all suffer, with a smile on your mind. If rain is constantly pouring down, try to unleash the sunshine and, sometimes, a rainbow will appear. If you don't believe it, see for yourself. It is easier than you think.
The difficult part of boarding a train is this; looking back over one's shoulder, doors closing, finding the present becoming past, quickly disappearing into the far distant land of memories. Why is boarding a train challenging? A train will take you on a journey into a world filled with possibilities, joy and new beginnings. One would think these are the heart's great desires; if it was only that uncomplicated. Life has found that without struggle there is no growth. Without growth there is no motion, without which one stands still, stuck to the same spot, not developing. It is in our human nature to evolve, and without it we find ourselves completely depressed and drained of energy for life. It is the feeling of indifference that is the fall of our spirit, not the one of sadness. If one has ever experienced such indifference and apathy, one thinks wisely not to escape rain when it pours. If one stands strong during the storm, comprehending it's purpose, the sun will return, even perhaps in the company of a rainbow. To truly understand the greatness of nature one must encounter every face of it and accept all feelings thrown our way; even the tedious ones. By bravely experiencing all the unpleasant emotions, one learns to define and recognize the greats. That is an important part of life. So, board that train. It is what is right, you know this. Allow all emotions to enter your body, realizing how affected you have been by what is to become past; a sign that one has fully lived. Smile at the realization, embrace the fear and keep on boarding. The train will take you to foreign lands where you will find yet another side of yourself. And as the great Oscar Wilde said "The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us are here for". Understanding the well hidden truth of life, facing challenge after challenge, one will find that truth and peace is rewarded to every perseverant soul. Don't give in to fear, keep bording trains and never stop gazing into the promising sky that is your future.
The dream of finding eternal happiness, though in another era of time, one you are currently not habitating. You hope, imagine that this particular time and place will give you satisfaction unreachable in the present. The present. What a light word for a heavy meaning. It almost sounds like a gift. Perhaps that's what it is. The present of life, right now, as it is. Take it. But, oh, how we fear it. Taking every chance of escaping the inevitable truth that perfection is simply an illusion. But perhaps even life itself is. I find myself in an undeniable paradise on earth, resting on a chair which resembles a bed, gazing out over the pacific with the most beloved tree of all, the one called palm. Coming here, sadly not for pure pleasure but as much as I can get, I was thinking how wonderful it will be, simply by arriving on this marvellous island. However, it turned out to be not entirely so. Life is not designed to be enjoyable in one place of the earth, and unpleasant on another. This you can't know just by pointing on the map. No. Life can be spectacular everywhere, anywhere, anytime. It can also be enjoyed in solitude or company. The task is to see past this distraction and look life in the eye, and declare it's real nature. It is all about love, devotion and attitude. And anything in life can be magical.
Tonight, I experienced a true moment of life. It was undeniable, magical and powerful. Like a gigantic rock of energetic force pressuring your chest into your whole existance. Once it has a hold on you there is no escape. This overwhelming emotion streaming over me comes from no other source than pure gratitude. Preparation being done to meet this inevitable faith of mine, I chose the path of selfless giving, the act of appreciation in forms of a bag, chocolate and paper with ink, carefully written and put in an envelope. Reciprocation of the incredibly selfless sharing of enormous knowledge I have recieved over the past months. To say it has changed my life, no doubt for the better, would be an understatement.
My teacher, my hero. To you, I owe it all. Thank you.
I am a bird yet again, though it will last for only a few hours. I want to sing and fly as high as my wings will take me. These mornings are dear moments in my life and I intend to make the most of it. Coming home to an empty house, almost running down the stairs to get to him. My love, my heart - my guitar. My mind flying away with the tunes my hands and fingers are creating and time goes with it. After some time I stop, realising it might be time to feed my poor stomach. Music and pancakes are a great combination, so the choice of breakfast was in the least difficult. The kitchen being all warmed up by the amazing california sun I just sighed with joy as I was beating the batter for my delicious meal to come. My eyes being tempted by a frying pan full of pancake while my ears are being caressed by Rubber Soul playing on itunes. With a cafe au lait in one hand and spatula in the other I am ready for my feast. Plate ready, syrup check, knife and fork yes. I pause for a second, and listen for the silence to be broken, but no. I am alone. I don't mind really. I can think of a few persons I would not mind to share this meal with me, but since I can't choose as I wish, alone is the way it has to be. I'm flying. I'm free.
Today, I must say, was one of those good days. To get to spend time and converse over a computer is something else. You can almost trick yourself into believing that the person, to whom you are speaking, actually is present in the same space as you are. When you get to do that with a very great, amazing person it's something even greater. This person is really one of those people who subconsciously helps you be your better self and makes you look at life in the most awesome perspective you could only have dreamt of. It is a very mystical thing. Friendship.
Being the constant dreamer as I happen to be, no choice, one finds it extremely satisfying and terrifying when time is actually passing and the things you dreamt about for so long are about to become real. You just can't seem to grasp the reality of it. To you, it is only a dream. But some things do make the crossover from dream to reality, and that might be the thing one wants more than anything. Although, when the time comes, and as all things seem to happen, it is not quite as you imagined. It is a very powerful thing and creates the nerves to become aware of the fact that what is about to happen is completely unpredictable. Once that was one of my greatest fears in life - today, it is what I love about it.
Another magic monday night involving some great musical instruments in a small room in San Francisco, filled with four people who all love the same thing. Growing, teaching and living. To explain such a moment in life is extremely difficult and it is something one must experience in order to comprehend the greatness of it. The tension, the sharing and giving. It is amazing and being part of it is one of the best decisions of my life. Honestly. So please. Follow your dream, and say "shush" to the voice in your head trying to talk you into nonsense of avoiding it. Don't let your dream be quiet, make it real. And do it now.
The time is drawing closer and closer. I cannot comprehend it. My weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds are counted for and my allotted share is soon gone. What will happen? I know what I want to do. I wish to continue to explore the lands of the earth and become a very wise man. Or woman. To where is no longer the question, it is now all up to the clocks of the world to tick until my time comes. I am ecstatic and terrified. Interesting combination, quite unpleasant and enjoyable simultaneously. One needs to create lists and listen to soothing voices as the one of Donovan and his friends. There is no guarantee of survival, there is simply hope for the better. Presently, I am satisfied in the california sun while anticipating the time of summer.
After many days of plain euphoria I find my mind slipping back, taking out the tape and rewinding to the world of memories. It is hard not to. I have lived my life the way it is supposed to be lived - with passion, laughter and spontaneity. Returning to a life of exaggerated responsibilites is not what I was looking forward to. However, the countdown to the day of my return back to my home country has begun. Being in three different realities is somehow not quite as easy as one would have hoped. How one can even fully live in one is impressive, but trying to accomplish such a thing in three times the amount is beyond my grasp. Not that one needs to fully understand it, but not having to walk around as a confused seagull trying to find my way around would be nice. If I had the choice, I would rather be a pelican - they seem to have it all figured out.
In times of goodbyes, having a plan to survive such parting is essential. No matter how low you feel, forcing one self to joyous times might be a really good answer to a struggling situation. Regarding myself, such action took place on this very night. My darling friend, who's visit has lifted my spirit above infinity, had to depart from this lovely area in which I reside, to where she is habitating at the moment. Naturally such parting has no mercy on the heart, and with the good timing I have been fortunate with, I got to sit in a funny chair, listening to an amazing person talking about the history of rock and roll from 60s and 70s. Needless to say, it couldn't have been better.
This is for you and me. Catch your dreams before they slip away. Remember.
Leaning back on the door to my room, I am sitting on the floor and discussing the future over a digital conversation with my beloved sister. During this conversation I am realizing that while living with another family one sometimes wishes to disappear completely, since waking up to a child's loud voice is not something I would choose if I had the choice. Which is not available at the moment, a direct result, no doubt, of my own choice. Though the bird inside of me wants to break free and leave this nest for a more suiting one. At least for a few hours passed on the clock.
Confused by all the different messages and ideas from the world and the people in it, I wish to fly to the quiet room on the top of a mountain, a summer's breeze washing away all the pressure of my face. Life likes pushing you in different directions and sometimes undesirable locations. Having to actually deal with purchasing the ticket yourself creates the pressure of stating your destination. How does one communicate a pleasurable destination unknown? It's definately a struggle all humans must deal with sooner or later. I think I have found my next stop but first come patience and perseverence. I seem to become a stubborn child who demands control over the world and all the actions in it. But the adult in me tries to raise this child and keeps it in a cage under the influence of negative reinforcement, which unfortunately seems to be very effective. There is a question people should be asking, although only a few do. How does an adult and a child live in the same world without one overpowering the other? Or at least tries to. The war is declared, and it has become a bloody mess. What happened to peace and love? The hippies might have been on to something.
To increase the bubbles of joy in one's body, a morning starting with a deliciously fried pancake with sliced yummy bananas inside might be in order. But, as life and everything prefers it, it scrambles it up and gives you a different result which you did not calculate. How do you deal? Well, although the pancake did not turn out as aesthetically as I had hoped, it can't hurt to give it a go. I did - within seconds it was inside of my mouth - and it was the taste of perfection. Lesson learned: don't judge a pancake by its looks - it might taste even better than you imagined. In fact, don't judge at all.
In order to achieve what I want to achieve, or at least something during these hours of the sun, I have realized that I am in great need of the content in this beautifully blue swedish coffee cup. I am just entering my 20s and I am already dependent on it. Something tells me this is not good. On the bright side, I get to drink out of this wonderful cup. I just love it. Can't help it. My day starts with it, in one way or another. Mostly black. And hot. Sometimes cold. But that is only when I forget I poured myself a cup and am to lazy to put it in the microwave and heat it up.
Time spent in a car can be enjoyable or unbearable, all depending on what sounds are dominant in the automobile atmosphere. If you happen to be unfortunate and you have a little child's cry or whine overpowering any kind of nice beat, you are not in a most desirable situation. However, if you have those noises on a leash, and have thoughtfully brought a big, black CD case with some nice tunes and records in it, you might be in for a lucky ride. Since my time spent in such a car is numerous I have created a powerful unwritten rule which makes car in motion time holy, and there fore such noises are banned for the ride. Thankfully, I think I might have created two little music maniacs instead of punishing two whining children. I must say some pride runs down my spine. Self-five!
After spending hours on end conversing with my dearest friend from my home country, we got through a whole lot of dreaming and started planning a great future, which hopefully will be spent together. Time will reveal what will happen, with fingers crossed and hope in my heart, but we will start with a little visit from her in the early days of the week to come. I can't wait.
Sitting on one's behind for hours on end makes no sense. But still, here I am, as determined as ever, doing it. A comfort is itunes which is playing my darling Beatles' records in alphabetical order and I just keep fixing, copying and changing, my mind that is. I must say I do love the Beatles' earlier records. Earlier than what, one might ask. Well, I won't reveal my favourite but I will say it is not early nor late, the rest is up to your imagination. I wonder which is your favourite Beatles' record. I'd like to discuss that with you. Those discussions have been interesting in the past. Anywho, with John Lennon singing "I'm so tired" in my ear I can no longer deny how my eyelids objectingly refuses to be as alert as I wish them to. Oh, well. Time is ticking and it is yet another early day for the working people. Which includes me, thankfully. I bid you farewell, until we meet again.